Program International Business Management (IBM)

Management Study program Dated November 17, 2023 maintaining ”UNGGUL” (Excellent) Accreditation based on LAMEMBA Decree No. 875/DE/A.5/AR.10/XI/2023 which is valid until 17 November 2028. ”UNGGUL” (Excellent) accreditation is the highest achievement in Indonesia’s national accreditation.The Management Study Program also received ASEAN University Network Quality Assurance (AUN-QA) certification dated 1 August 2022 and is valid until 31 July 2027 with certificate number AP880UKWMSJUN22 where this certification is an assessment which guarantees the quality of the study program at the ASEAN level.

In year 2011, the Management Department developed its International Business Management (IBM) Study Program, which majoring in the field of Supply Chain Management. The program was designed to match the needs of the industry for graduates with good knowledge in management plus having know-how in operating business across borders. Students’ enrollment to the program began in the school year 2012/2013.

IBM’s program emphasizes its study on various aspects of Multinational Corporation (MNC) management. MNCs characterized by various production facilities and distribution channel chains around the world dominate international business today. MNCs such as Unilever, P&G, Nestle, to name a few, place regional production centers of their product lines in the most economical countries. As local competition becomes increasingly fierce and more and more foreign companies move their operations to Indonesia, local companies especially large and highly diversified conglomerates have no other choice but to expand their operations either through market expansion or to obtain raw material inputs from the most efficient locations. Apparently, this is the current practice among large Indonesian companies, so international business management is becoming an essential skill needed by these companies to become globally competent.

Our IBM Flagship Program for student:

  1. Community Engagement for Development (CED) (service learning and MSME business development program by student)
  2. International Study Excursion
  3. Visiting lecturer
  4. Export and Import Certification
  5. International Student Exchange
  6. Foreign Language (other than English)
  7. Joint Degree (Bachelor of Management and Bachelor of Commerce) and Dual Degree (Bachelor of Management and Master Business Administration)


Yohana Deatri Arumsari Agung., SE., M.Sc

031 5678478 ext. 143)


 Excellent Accreditation Certificate and Decree by Indonesian Authority

Decree Accreditation Management Study Program

Sertificate Accreditation Management Study Program

International Certification and Recognition

AUN-QA Certificate

CFA University Affiliate Program 


Descriptive Profile of Graduate

After four years at work, a graduate of IBM Study Program will perform:

  • As a manager who is able to carry out management and organizational functions by using technology at the operational level in various types of organization at the national and international levels, which based on the values of Caring, Commit, and Enthusiast (PeKA)
  • As a business analyst or junior researcher who is able to conduct theoretical and empirical researches in the management field of study, which based on scientific methods and providing practical suggestions to various types of organization at the national and international levels
  • As an entrepreneur who is able to design small and medium business models according to the principals of good corporate governance as well as having societal and environmental concerns
  • As an individual who is reflective and creative, also willing to develop oneself continuously

Expected Learning Outcome

  1. Able to formulate management functions (planning, organizing, staffing, directing, controlling and evaluating) at the operational level in various types of organization at the national and international levels (knowledge)
  2. Able to carry out organizational functions (marketing, operations, human resources, finance, and strategy) at the operational level in various types of organization at the national and international levels (knowledge)
  3. Able to identify managerial problems and organizational functions, and to take appropriate problem solving based on the alternatives which is developed by using digital technologies (specific skills)
  4. Able to carry out theoretical and empirical studies in the field of management by employing scientific methods that are logical, critical, systematic and innovative (general skills)
  5. Able to develop strategic planning and to deploy it into operational planning in various types of organization (specific skills)
  6. Able to design small and medium business models for various types of organization that are adaptive to change, in accordance with the principles of good corporate governance, and employing digital technologies (specific skills)
  7. Acquiring the principles of leadership and entrepreneurship in various types of organization (knowledge)
  8. Able to make decision which based on the values of caring, commit, and enthusiast (PeKA), ethics, and humanity (attitude)
  9. Able to communicate, adapt, and collaborate effectively across functions and organizational levels (general skills)

No Nama Lomba Tingkat Universitas/Organisasi Penyelenggara Tanggal Kegiatan Nama Mahasiswa NRP Capaian
1 Musi Business Competition Nasional Universitas Katolik Musi Caritas Palembang 26 Juni 2024 Valerie 3603021008 Juara 1
Anggun Delima Pakpahan 3603021019
Jennifer Gunarto 3603022028
2 Musi Business Competition Nasional Universitas Katolik Musi Caritas Palembang 26 Juni 2024 Elisabeta Luon Mega 3603022027 Juara 3
Felisia Isaura 3103022100
Angel 3103022091
3 Mental Health Campaign “Overcome Insecurity” Nasional Kelana Jiwa Organization 24 Mei 2024 Gracia Gunawan 3103022013 Best Volunteer
4 Pemilihan Mahasiswa Berprestasi (Pilmapres) 2024 Program Sarjana Seleksi Wilayah Nasional LL DIKTI Wilayah VII 23 April 2024 Stephanie Elizabeth Shirley 3603021007 Terbaik IV Jawa Timur
5 Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa (PKM) Bidang Kewirausahaan Nasional Kementrian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi (Kemendikbudristek) 20 April 2024 Albert Arkad 3103022021 Lolos Pendanaan Nasional PKM 8 Bidang
Devano Immanuel Richard Dillon 3103022032
Atirikata Rama Engelbert Poana 3303022014
Natasya Aprillia Setiawan 3603022018
Bernadito Wiku Rajendra 3103022125
Kanisius Vanliderta Sitepu 3103022122
Arthur Ignatius Michael 3103022055
Madeline Isabella 3103022037
Michael Verdian Tanto Sisworo 3603022012
6 IISMA Awardees 2024 Internasional Kementrian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi (Kemendikbudristek) 21 Maret 2024 Clarice Angeline 3303022001 Lolos Peserta
Danita Doxa Widiyanto 3303021005
Andre Yuteja 3103021109
7 Business Plan Competition UNISRI 2024 Nasional Universitas Slamet Riyadi Surakarta (UNISRI) 16 Maret 2024 Valerie 3603021008 Juara 2
Michael Evano Junior 3603022009
Elisabeta Luon Mega 3603022027
8 Event Menulis Quotes Tema Harapan Anniversary KBB KE 4 Nasional 17 Februari 2024 Gracia Gunawan 3103022013 Juara 1
9 Business Plan Competition Fasilkom Fest 2023 Nasional UPN Veteran Jawa Timur 21 Januari 2024 Valerie 3603021008 Juara 3
Michael Evano Junior 3603022009
Elisabeta Luon Mega 3603022027
10 Duta Wisata Cak & Ning 2023 Nasional Pemerintah Kota Surabaya 21 November 2023 Juan Michael 3103019081 Juara Favorit
11 Stock Analysis Competition – Management Week 2023 Nasional Universitas Udayana Bali 27 Oktober 2023 Stephanie Elizabeth Shirley 3603021007 Juara 2
Nicholas Oden 3603020013
12 iSpark International Pitching Competition (IIPC) 2023 Internasional Tunku Abdul Rahman University of Management and Technology 12 Agustus 2023 Stephanie Elizabeth Shirley 3603021007 Juara 1
Nicholas Oden 3603020013
13 Nasional Business Plan Competition 2 (NBPC) Nasional Universitas Mataram 06 Agustus 2023 Stephanie Elizabeth Shirley 3603021007 Silver 3
Nicholas Oden 3603020013
14 Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa (PKM) Bidang Kewirausahaan Nasional Kementrian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi (Kemendikbudristek) 16 Juni 2023 Ester Putri Runanda 3103021043 Lolos Pendanaan Nasional PKM 8 Bidang
Felicia Sharon 3103021040
15 IDEAS BUSINESS PLAN COMPETITION BATCH #9 Nasional Universitas Gajah Mada Yogyakarta 23 Mei 2023 Stephanie Elizabeth Shirley 3603021007 Semifinalis
16 National Business Plan Competition Nasional Universitas Negeri Medan 19 Desember 2022 Stephanie Elizabeth Shirley 3603021007 Juara 3 & Best Poster
17 Business Plan Competition Nasional Universitas Darma Cendika 11 Desember 2022 Valerie 3603021008 Juara Harapan 1
Matheus Rama Duta Weruin 3603020004
Jennifer Gunarto 3603022028
18 Business Project National Business Plan Competition Nasional Universitas Negeri Makassar 27 November 2022 Stephanie Elizabeth Shirley 3603021007 Best Poster
19 Koko Cici Jawa Timur Nasional Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Timur 26 November 2022 Renhard 3603020014 Juara 1
20 Pesparawi Mahasiswa 2022 Semarang Nasional Universitas Katolik Soegijapranata 05 November 2022 Nathanael Billy Hartono 3303022002 Gold medal
21 Gebyar Mahasiswa Wirausaha Nasional Batch 5 (GEMNAS) Nasional Universitas Negeri Padang 22 Oktober 2022 Stephanie Elizabeth Shirley 3603021007 Juara 1
22 Business Plan Competition ADVANCE 2022 Nasional Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia 12 Februari 2022 Valerie 3603021008 Juara 1
Anggun Delima Pakpahan 3603021019
Stephanie Elizabeth Shirley 3603021007

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